Diamondcard SMS Service

Our SMS service has been released. Diamondcard users can now send international SMS's using their accounts. Our service allows you to send international SMS's in many different ways and at very cheap rates. You can send an SMS from your Diamondcard admin center, from your mobile phone using the "light" admin center, using our API if you are integrating or reselling our SMS service and through a softphone like Ekiga.

Bulk sending of SMS's can easily be done. Import your contacts, create your SMS, send it out.

Rates for sending an SMS can be found on the RATES page on our site - www.diamondcard.us. Choose "SMS" in the "access point"� picklist then click the GO button.

Here are some sample rates for sending an international SMS in Euros. These rates include all taxes.

 USA - .069 
 Ukraine - .051 
 France - .091 
 Germany - .083
 Russia - .056
 UK - .090
 Canada - .069
 Norway - .049
 Belgium - .078 

Click on the links below for more details on our SMS service.

Diamondcard SMS Service - General Information

Sending SMS's from the Diamondcard admin center

Sending SMS's from the �light� admin center using a mobile device

Send SMS's using Ekiga!! OH YEAH!

For programmers using our API

In the initial release of our SMS service we do not have delivery notification implemented. We are currently working on it. Although we have tested the service with many mobile networks there might be some that may not work. We request that you notify us if you have sent two or more SMS's to the same mobile network that did not get delivered. We will remove our routing and replace with one that does work.

If you have any questions or suggestions on how to make it better, please let us know.

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