Page Source for WikiShorthand

=begin options 

write = root 


=begin comment 

$Id: WikiShorthand,v 1.2 2007/09/21 07:51:13 root-
Experimental $ 

Table which describes how to do things along with examples.(shorthand) 


=head3 Natural formatter (WikiShorthand Markup) 

B<PodWiki> considers a page as B<Wiki Shorthand markup> if
the page is not POD formatted. This allows you to write natural text. 

WikiShorthand does not support all the features of B<POD> but it
is enough for the most things. 

In addition it is possible to intermix POD and Shorthand markup. You
can write a normal POD page and add a
L<formatter|PodWikiMarkup/NATURALWikiShorthandformatter> block
for the Shorthand markup. 

For the impatient: visit the L<WikiShorthandSample> page which
shows most of the features. 

I<Description of WikiShorthand:> 

=head4 Paragraphs 

Just as in POD, separate paragraphs by empty lines. 

=head4 Headlines 

Just write the headline and write a line of special characters to the
next line. The following headline types are recognized: 


=item <h1>H1 head</h1> 

H1 head 


=item <h2>H2 head</h2> 

H2 head 


=item <h3>H3 head</h3> 

H3 head 


=item <h4>H4 head</h4> 

H4 head 



=head4 Text formatting 

Only bold and italic text formatting is supported. 


=item B<bold text> 

*bold text* 

=item I<italic text> 

/italic text/ 


To achive bold+italic formatted text, combine * and /: 

*/bold italic text/* 

=head4 Verbatim text 

To force text to be printed as is (using PRE HTML tags), prepend each
line with at least one white space, just like you would do in POD: 

if(blah) { 



=head4 Graphics 

To include a graphic, just write the image filename (you have to
L<upload|PodWikiUpload> it before you can do this): 




=head4 PodWiki links 

Write the PodWiki page name between square brackets: 


will generate: 


If the page does not exist, a link will be created which points to the
page editor(creates a new page). 

=head4 External links 

Just write the URL, PodWiki will generate a link to the URL. 

will generate: 


=head4 Include pages 

This works exactly as with L<POD

=head4 Lists 

You can create single-level lists. Just prepend each list item with a
"o ". Each item has to be a paragraph (separated by empty line). E.g.: 

o this is 

one item 

o this is 

the other item 

will generate: 


=item * 

this is one item 

=item * 

this is the other item 


=head4 Variables 

Variables are fully supported. See L<here|PodWikiVariables> for
