Q: Could you please help me understanding better how the Step, Step Charge and Time feature works?
I'd like to have an $x amount charged every 180 seconds for example on the top of the rate... how should I set this up?
A: Default price starts working when Step1, Step2, Step3 are over.
Steps work in the order: Step1, Step2, Step3.
Every Step has a duration: "Time" which repeated several time. How many times to repeat defines the field "Step".
E.g. if Time1 is 30 and Step1 is 6. It means the first step will be executed 6 times and its total duration will be 180 sec:
30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 180.
Every 30 sec, in this example, user will be charged for the value: Charge1 / 60 * Time1.
Charge1 is a price for the whole minute.
At the moment when system entering the step it can additionally charge user on the value specified in SC field.
Here is an example which can be adapted for your idea:
Default price: 0.20
Charge1: 0.22 Time1: 30 Step1: 6 SC1: 0.05
Charge2: 0.24 Time2: 30 Step2: 6 SC2: 0.07
Charge3: 0.26 Time3: 60 Step3: 99999 SC3: 0.09
It means on connection user will be charged 0.05 then during 180 sec with 30 sec interval he'll be charged 0.22/2.
Then on 180 sec of the call he'll be charged 0.07. Then every 30 sec during 180 sec he'll be charged 0.24/2.
Then on 360 sec of the call he'll be charged 0.09. Then every 60 sec during 60*99999 sec he'll be charged 0.26.
Default price 0.20 will be used when step 3 is over. It'll happened in 5999940 seconds. As you understand this will never happened in real call. When we use default price we have per second billing.
For your task playing with SC fields you can charge user 2 or 3 times. E.g. on step2 and step3 (it means no initial connection charge).