Page Source for PodWikiVariables

=begin options 

write = root 



=head3 PodWiki Variables 

B<PodWiki> has build-in variable support. You can insert
variables anywhere in your page. PodWiki automatically interpolates it
to its textual representation. 

A variable must begin with the dollar character. 

B<Note: If you want to use the DOLLAR character in a Pod page,
prepend it with a backslash: \\$>. 

There are some different types of variables: 

=head4 Internal Variables 

Those variables are maintained by the PodWiki program itself (in fact:
PodWiki::Runner). Here is the list of internal available variables: 


=item B<\$me> 

the scriptname of PodWiki, usefull for building URI's; currently '$me' 

=item B<\$page> 

the name of the current PodWikiPage; currently '$page' 

=item B<\$title> 

the first occuring heading of a page will be used as its title. If a
page doesn't contain any heading, the page name will be used as title. 

=item B<\$version> 

the version of PodWiki; currently '$version' 

=item B<\$entry> 

The first page loaded by PodWiki; currently '$entry' 

=item B<\$height> 

The height of the textarea used for editing pages; currently '$height' 

=item B<\$width> 

The width of the textarea used for editing pages; currently '$width' 

=item B<\$sep> 

the character used to separate horizontal lists and menus, such as may
occur in the PodWikiMenu or in the edit bar on the page; currently


=head4 Predefined Variables 

B<PodWiki> includes a module B<PodWiki::Vars> which
pre-defines some variable-sets. 

B<Small Graphics Set>: 


=item B<$ascii> \$ascii 

=item B<$attach> \$attach 

=item B<$back> \$back 

=item B<$bookmark> \$bookmark 

=item B<$cancel> \$cancel 

=item B<$cdimage> \$cdimage 

=item B<$configure> \$configure 

=item B<$contents> \$contents 

=item B<$document> \$document 

=item B<$down> \$down 

=item B<$edit> \$edit 

=item B<$encrypted> \$encrypted 

=item B<$filefind> \$filefind 

=item B<$fileopen> \$fileopen 

=item B<$fileprint> \$fileprint 

=item B<$filesave> \$filesave 

=item B<$forward> \$forward 

=item B<$gohome> \$gohome 

=item B<$help> \$help 

=item B<$html> \$html 

=item B<$idea> \$idea 

=item B<$image> \$image 

=item B<$info> \$info 

=item B<$lock> \$lock 

=item B<$ok> \$ok 

=item B<$pdf> \$pdf 

=item B<$sound> \$sound 

=item B<$tar> \$tar 

=item B<$tgz> \$tgz 

=item B<$up> \$up 

=item B<$video> \$video 


B<Color Variables> 

You can use these variables to create colored text. 

The following foreground color variables are defined: 

\$WHITE, \$END. 

B<\$END> is a special variable, it resets the color to the
default color. 


\$RED red text \$END 

$RED red text $END 

You can use the same colors for background too, just prepend the
variable name with a B<B_>, e.g. B<\$B_AQUA>. You can
intermix foreground and background colors, this way you can create any
combination of colored text. 


\$GREEN \$B_AQUA green on aqua text \$END \$B_END 

$GREEN $B_AQUA green on aqua text $B_END $END 

=head4 User-Defined Variables 

The user can define any nymuber of variables in a B<=begin
options> block. Any valid configuration statement can be used inside
the page as variable. Eg: 

=begin options 

hr = <hr size="1"> 

width = 100% 

=end options 

This defines two config options: B<hr> and B<width>.
B<PodWiki> will ignore there options, but they are available for
interpolation in the page as B<\$hr> and B<\$width>. 

=head4 Global Variables 

Additional variables can be defined by the administrator (root) of
PodWiki via the B<L<Site Admin|state:site_admin>> page.
Just add a variable name and then add a value for this variable. The
editor of a page can use such variables using the same dollar notation
as for predefined variables. 

=head4 RCS Variables 

There are some special keywords which are used by the RCS version
control system and will be automatically substituted when a page gets
checked in. Take a look at the L<PodWiki RCS
documentation|PodWikiRCS> for more details. 
