PodWiki Variables
                Internal Variables
                Predefined Variables
                User-Defined Variables
                Global Variables
                RCS Variables


PodWiki Variables

PodWiki has build-in variable support. You can insert variables anywhere in your page. PodWiki automatically interpolates it to its textual representation.

A variable must begin with the dollar character.

Note: If you want to use the DOLLAR character in a Pod page, prepend it with a backslash: \$.

There are some different types of variables:

Internal Variables

Those variables are maintained by the PodWiki program itself (in fact: PodWiki::Runner). Here is the list of internal available variables:


the scriptname of PodWiki, usefull for building URI's; currently 'podwiki'


the name of the current PodWikiPage; currently 'PodWikiVariables'


the first occuring heading of a page will be used as its title. If a page doesn't contain any heading, the page name will be used as title.


the version of PodWiki; currently '0.9.1'


The first page loaded by PodWiki; currently 'TPL_Plain'


The height of the textarea used for editing pages; currently '25'


The width of the textarea used for editing pages; currently '80'


the character used to separate horizontal lists and menus, such as may occur in the PodWikiMenu or in the edit bar on the page; currently '|'

Predefined Variables

PodWiki includes a module PodWiki::Vars which pre-defines some variable-sets.

Small Graphics Set:

ascii $ascii
attach $attach
back $back
bookmark $bookmark
cancel $cancel
cdimage $cdimage
configure $configure
contents $contents
document $document
down $down
edit $edit
encrypted $encrypted
filefind $filefind
fileopen $fileopen
fileprint $fileprint
filesave $filesave
forward $forward
gohome $gohome
help $help
html $html
idea $idea
image $image
info $info
lock $lock
ok $ok
pdf $pdf
sound $sound
tar $tar
tgz $tgz
up $up
video $video

Color Variables

You can use these variables to create colored text.

The following foreground color variables are defined:


$END is a special variable, it resets the color to the default color.


 $RED red text $END 

RED red text END

You can use the same colors for background too, just prepend the variable name with a B_, e.g. $B_AQUA. You can intermix foreground and background colors, this way you can create any combination of colored text.


 $GREEN $B_AQUA green on aqua text $END $B_END 

GREEN B_AQUA green on aqua text B_END END

User-Defined Variables

The user can define any nymuber of variables in a =begin options block. Any valid configuration statement can be used inside the page as variable. Eg:

 =begin options
 hr    = <hr size="1">
 width = 100%
 =end options 

This defines two config options: hr and width. PodWiki will ignore there options, but they are available for interpolation in the page as $hr and $width.

Global Variables

Additional variables can be defined by the administrator (root) of PodWiki via the Site Admin page. Just add a variable name and then add a value for this variable. The editor of a page can use such variables using the same dollar notation as for predefined variables.

RCS Variables

There are some special keywords which are used by the RCS version control system and will be automatically substituted when a page gets checked in. Take a look at the PodWiki RCS documentation for more details.