Page Source for PodWikiTemplates

=begin options 

write = root 

=end options 


=head2 Template management 

=head3 Installation of templates 

Go to the L<Site Admin|intern:site_admin> page to install new
templates. Just pick a template .zip file using the provided upload
form and cklick "install template". 

You may also update existing templates using this way provided that the
version number of the template has been incremented. 

=head3 Changing template 

=head4 Change template globally 

Once you've installed a new template you can use it. The available
templates are listed in the template list. The template currently in
use is marked with green color. 

Click on the link "set default" for the template you want to be the new
site default. 

=head4 Change template per user 

Each user has access to his L<profile|intern:change_passwd>. From
the profile the user can also change the template to use. 

This cannot be overridden by root or global settings. 

=head2 Template file format 

=head3 File packaging 

The template must be packaged in a standard zip file. No directories
are allowed inside the zip file. 

=head3 Package contents 

=head4 info.txt 

The most important file of a template is the B<info.txt> file. It
contains directions for the template installer such as the name or
version of the template. 

The variables in the info.txt file are just option = value pairs. The
following variables are required: 

name = Name of the template 

This is just the name of the template. 

version = 1.00 

The version number. If you are a template maintainer, keep in mind,
that the version number must be numerically usable. So, don't use the
usual version.major.minor syntax - this will not work. 

Instead use the RCS numbering scheme, just a decimal number using the
DOT as decimal separator. 

files = Loader, Page1, Page2 

This is a comma-separated list of all the pages of the template. Only
the listed files will be installed. Other files not listed here will be

images = image1.png, image2.png 

A list of images for the template, comma-separated too. The same as for
files applies here: only the listed images will be installed. 

autoloader = Loader 

This is the most important variable. It tells podwiki which page of the
template is the AutoLoader pager, thus the initial page which makes up
the template. This page shall include the site headers, the stylesheet,
content section and so on. 

=head4 Pages and Images 

Pages and images making the template must be part of the zip file. They
will be installed the usual podwiki way: using RCS and file operations. 

You are totally free how you design the template. But it is recommended
that the template provides a good starting point for users using it. So
it should contain a fairly complete admin page from which users get
links to edit template files, internal admin links and the like. Look
at the default L<DB_Admin> page for an example. 

=head4 .pod* Attribute files 

If the zip file contains any .pod* file, eg. .podattributes, the file
will be evaluated and the production version of that file inside the
podwiki data/ directory will be updated using those data. 

Please be careful using this feature! The contents of a .pod* File must
be valid perl code. Before packaging a template test the data validity
of the file: 

perl -wc .podattributes 

This shall not produce any errors. 

The files .podusers and .podgroups, if existent in a zip package will
be ignored for security reasons. 
