Page Source for PodWikiMarkup

=begin options 

write = root 


=begin comment 

$Id: PodWikiMarkup,v 1.2 2007/09/21 07:51:01 root-
Experimental $ 

Table which describes how to do things along with examples. (requires
0.7.4 or higher) 


=head1 PodWiki Markup Documentation 

B<PodWiki> uses L<POD|PerlPod> as its markup language. POD
is a very simple and easy to learn markup language and it is the
standard for perl documentation. 

I<Table of Contents:> 


=head2 PodWiki Markup Examples/Overview 

Take a look on this table to get an overview of what is possible in
PodWiki and how it is done. 

For the impatient: visit the L<PodWikiSample> page which shows
most of the features. 

=head3 Lists 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Bullet List 


=item * 

entry 1 entry 1 

=item * 

entry 2 entry 2 




=item * 

entry 1 entry 1 

=item * 

entry 2 entry 2 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Numbered List 


=item 1. 

entry 1 entry 1 

=item 2. 

entry 2 entry 2 




=item 1. 

entry 1 entry 1 

=item 2. 

entry 2 entry 2 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Text List (indented text) 

=over 4 

=item Term to describe1 

Describing text2. 

=item Term to describe2 

Describing text2. 



=over 4 

=item Term to describe1 

Describing text2. 

=item Term to describe2 

Describing text2. 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 You can also make nested lists and mix list types 


=item * 

entry 1 

=item * 


=item 1. 

1. entry 

=item 2. 

=over 4 

=item term1 


=item term2 







=item * 

entry 1 

=item * 


=item 1. 

1. entry 

=item 2. 

=over 4 

=item term1 


=item term2 







=head3 Headings 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head1 Heading 1 


<h1>Heading 1</h1> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head2 Heading 2 


<h2>Heading 2</h2> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head3 Heading 3 


<h3>Heading 3</h3> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Heading 4 


<h4>Heading 4</h4> 



=head3 Text Formattings 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Bold Text 

=begin text 

BE<lt>some text> 



B<some text> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Italic Text 

=begin text 

IE<lt>some text> 



I<some text> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Code 

=begin text 

CE<lt>chmod 751 /etc> 



C<chmod 751 /etc> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Preformatted Text 

(prepend each line with one whitespace) 







=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Avoid linebreaks 

=begin text 

SE<lt>This text will appear on one single line> 



S<This text will appear on one single line> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Character Entities 

You can use HTML4.0 specification character entity names here. 

=begin text 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Horizontal lines 

Insert a horizontal line in a page using a single paragraph (at least
one newline before and after it) just consisting of one or more dashes: 

=begin text 







=head3 Hyperlinks 

Links are working as in standard POD but B<PodWiki> doesn't know
manpages, it considers such links as "L<WikiWords|WikiWord>" or:
as internal PodWiki links. 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Links to PodWiki pages 

Link to an existing page: 

=begin text 



Link to a non-existing page (this is the way you create new pages,

=begin text 




Existing page: 


Non-existing page: 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Links to PodWiki interactive STATE pages 

A B<state> page is an internal PodWiki page which is implemented
directly by PodWiki itself. Such pages can not be modified by you or
your users (unless you want to edit PodWiki's source code). 

Every state page link must begin with B<intern:> or

The following states are avialable at the moment: 

* search - execute a search 

* newest - show the newest pages 

* pageindex - show the page index 

* fileindex - show uploaded files (images with thumbnail) 

* login - show the login box 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Links to external websites 

=begin text 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Display Text of Link 

(instead of the link target itself you can choose another text to be

=begin text 

LE<lt>Daemon Home|> 



L<Daemon Home|> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Interwiki Links 

PodWiki provides interwiki links. Precede a page link with the name of
a known wiki (refer to L<> for the
current list!) delimited by colon. 

=begin text 







=head3 Include Pages 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Include PodWiki Pages 

You can use this feature to load another PodWiki page at this position.
PodWiki will render the requested page and print its content at this

The whole PodWiki is based on this system. PodWiki itself only loads
B<AutoLoad>, which includes several further include directives,
and so on. Open AutoLoad with the editor and you will get the point. 

=begin text 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Include PodWiki interactive STATE pages 

A B<state> page is an internal PodWiki page which is implemented
directly by PodWiki itself. Such pages can not be modified by you or
your users (unless you want to edit PodWiki's source code). 

Every state page inlcude command must begin with B<intern:> or

The following states are avialable at the moment: 


=item B<state> 

The core engine of PodWiki. This state must be called everytimes. Take
a look at the B<AutoLoad> Page which makes use of this one. If
you do not include this, PodWiki will not work at all! 

=item B<edit_bar> 

Display the edit bar which provides links to edit the current document
and to the revision control info box. 



=item B<toc> 

Show the table of contents (built from all =head tags). 

=item B<toc_by_attribute> 

Show table of all pages matching an attribute. Just add the
attribute/value as CGI param to the state, e.g.: 


=item B<comments> 

Includes the comment feature to a page. The recommended position where
to include this state is the end of a page. All posted comments will be
displayed. Visitors are able to post new comments and it is possible to
reply to a comment. 

The B<root>-User is able to remove comments. Just login as root,
visit the page where the comment to be removed is posted and click the
"remove comment" link. 

Comments can be written in L<PodWikiMarkup> or
L<WikiShorthand> markup. 

=item B<cloud> 

Shows a tag cloud of all indexed words of all pages. 

=item B<tags_per_page> 

Lists all tags of current page. 





=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Include External Webpages 

PodWiki can also load external webpages instead of PodWiki pages. Just
replace the page name with an uri which starts with B<http://>: 

Please note that the complete B<head> tag will be removed to
protect the page design of PodWiki. Also B<body> and
B<html> tags will be removed. 

=begin text 







=head3 Graphics 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Show an image 

(you can upload images to PodWiki from the editor form! If you intent
to use uploaded graphics do not use path specifications, just the

=begin text 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Specify an ALT text attribute for a graphic 

=begin text 

GE<lt>daemon.png|daemon home> 



G<daemon.png|daemon home> 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Graphic Links 

=begin text 






=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Thumbnail Graphic Links 

=begin text 







=head3 External Formatters 

In perl POD you can use B<=begin [formatter]> to indicate that
the following text has to be rendered by an external "formatter". A
"formatter" is a special render mode which directly influences how
PodWiki displays the content inside a special formatter block. PodWiki
supports this feature and understands the following formatters: 


The formatters are further described below: 


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Creole Formatter 

The L<Creole> formatter is the default formatter used if a page
is not written in L<PerlPod>. 


Please refer to the L<CreoleSample> page for more details! 

=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 WikiShorthand formatter 

The NATURAL formatter is also called B<WikiShorthand> and allows
you to write pages the traditional WIKI way. L<Learn more about

=begin wikishorthand 



This one paragraph. 

And this is another paragraph. 

*Bold* and /italic/ text format is supported. 

Of course links are working too: [PodWikiMarkup]. 

Write external links by just entering the URL: 

Include graphics just by writing the image filename: ok.png. 

Lists are possible too: 

o item one 

o item two 

You can use PodWiki variables: \$gohome. 

=end wikishorthand 


=begin wikishorthand 

Headline -------- 

This one paragraph. 

And this is another paragraph. 

*Bold* and /italic/ text format is supported. 

Of course links are working too: [PodWikiMarkup]. Write external links
by just entering the URL: 

Include graphics just by writing the image filename: ok.png. 

Lists are possible too: 

o item one 

o item two 

You can use PodWiki variables: $gohome. 

=end wikishorthand 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 Tiki formatter 

The tiki formatter adds TikiWiki(L<>)
compatibility to PodWiki. L<Learn more about

=begin tiki 

~~red:red text~~ 

::centered text:: 

* list1 

* item2 

''italic text'' 

__Bold text__ 

! Head1 

!! Head2 

!!! Head3 







class animal { 

void purr() { 

return 0; 




=end tiki 


=begin tiki 

~~red:red text~~ 

::centered text:: 

* list1 * item2 

''italic text'' 

__Bold text__ 

! Head1 !! Head2 !!! Head3 

Separator: --- 

Link: PodWikiMarkup 


<verbatim> class animal { 

void purr() { 

return 0; 

} } </verbatim> 

=end tiki 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 TWiki formatter 

The TWiki formatter adds TWiki(L<>)
compatibility to PodWiki. L<Learn more about

=begin twiki 

---+ Head1 

---++ Head2 

---+++ Head3 

Paragraph one 

Paragraph two 

*Bold* _Italic_ __Bold italic__ =Fixed font= 


// verbatim text 

class CatAnimal { 

void purr() { 

<code here> 




A wiki link: PodWikiMarkup 




=begin twiki 

---+ Head1 ---++ Head2 ---+++ Head3 

Paragraph one 

Paragraph two 

*Bold* _Italic_ __Bold italic__ =Fixed font= 

<verbatim> // verbatim text class CatAnimal { 

void purr() { 

<code here> 

} } </verbatim> 

A wiki link: PodWikiMarkup 




=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 HTML formatter 

The formatter for 'html' keeps the text 1:1 as you wrote it. You can
use it to insert plain HTML code, a table for instance, which is not
directly supported by POD. 

=begin html 

<center>centered text</center> 



=begin html 

<center>centered text</center> 

=end html 


=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 TEXT formatter 

This formatter works similar to the 'html' formatter but it inserts the
text between B<pre> tags. Use this for code snippets or the like. 

B<txt> or B<ascii> can also be used as synonyms for

=begin txt 

if(online) { 





=begin txt 

if(online) { 

inet_fd->disconnect(); } 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 PERL formatter 

The 'perl' formatter allows you to insert perl code into your WikiPage
which gets evaluated by PodWiki. This feature makes PodWiki a very
powerfull tool. You can use it for example to add a formular to your
PodWiki site. 

You must print to B<STDOUT> what have to be displayed on the

=begin perl 

print scalar localtime(time); 


Please note that this formatter is turned off by default. It may harm
your system turning it on. Do it at your own risk. B<PodWiki>
makes no security checks on the code executed at the moment! 


=begin perl 

print scalar localtime(time); 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 COMMENT formatter 

Everything inside a B<comment> block will not rendered by PodWiki
at all. 

=begin comment 

This will not be shown. 


It is also possible to insert HTML comments anywhere in your POD or
Shorthand page: 

<!-- comment --> 


=begin comment 

This will not be shown. 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 OPTIONS formatter 

Everything inside an B<options> block will not rendered by
PodWiki but instead used to control its behavior. 

Currently only L<Authentication|PodWikiAuth> options are

=begin options 

read = root 

write = root 



=row valign="bottom" 


=head4 blog formatter 

This formatter will render existing podwiki pages together on a new
page as blog postings. Everything inside the block will be considered
as blog configuration parameters. 

=begin blog 

category = Blogging 

user = henry 

postings = 10 


To create a blog, you'll have to create a new attribute on the
L<SiteAdmin|intern:site_admin> page. Use this attribute as
B<category>. All pages classified under this category will be
shown on the blog. 

The B<user> parameter tells the blog formatter to show a small
admin menu for the user if he is logged in. From this menu he will be
able to add values to the attribute created previously. So, a blog user
can maintain his own categories for blog posts. 

The number of postings (wiki pages) shown on the blog page can be
tweaked via the B<postings> parameter. 

Each blog posting will be rendered separately so it can be any valid
PodWiki page with all features PodWiki provides. The title of a posting
will be the page name followed by the posting itself and finally
followed by a footer showing the user who wrote it, the revision, the
date and the number of comments added to the page, if any. 


L<Example blog|> 



=head3 Tables 

Tables can be written using POD (see below) or


=row valign="bottom",bgcolor="#ffffcc" 

=cell type=head 


=cell type=head 

What you get 


=row valign="bottom" 


You can write almost any type of tables using POD. Please note that
this POD is not B<valid POD> from the perl point of view. In
other words: There is no renderer which understands this beside

A table starts with: 


and ends with: 


The table contains one or more B<rows>. A row starts with: 


and ends with: 


A row itself can contain one or more B<cells>. Cells will be
written as: 


Everything below a B<cell> is the content of the table cell until
the next cell or a B<=rowback> occurs. 

The commands B<=table =row =cell> accept HTML options, which can
be used to control the table design or the like. Multiple options can
be assigned, separated by comma, spaces are not allowed! 

If you want to mark a cell as a B<head> cell, assign the special
(non-HTML) option B<type=head> to the cell. 


=table border=0 


=cell type=head,bgcolor=#cfcfcf 


=cell type=head,bgcolor=#cfcfcf 











=table border=0 


=cell type=head,bgcolor=#cfcfcf 


=cell type=head,bgcolor=#cfcfcf 












=head3 Attributes 

The administrator can define any number of attributes with a list of
values for each of them. Those attributes can then be used later by
site editors to classify particular PodWiki pages. 

This allows you to have several "topic" or "pagetypes", etc. There is
no limitation about attributes. 

Attributes can be used for searching and browsing. The search page
includes an attribute selection area, where you can search by

There also exists an internal state B<toc_by_value> (see above!)
which generates an index page on pages matching some attribute(s). 

=head3 Property Inheritance 

Page properties (options and attributes) will be inherited by the first
referencing page during page creation. E.g. if you edit an existing
page and add a new link to a non-existing page (which is the way to
create new pages), the new page will inherit all properties of the page
where you added the link the first time. 

This allows you to keep track of the page context or permission
settings. For example you could have an attribute "Topic" with an value
"internal". Then you could create a new page (e.g. the "entry page" for
this "topic") which is password protected. If you create further pages
from this one all those new pages will be classified under "topic" ==
"internal" and will be password protected too. 
