Page Source for PodWikiFormatterTiki

=begin options 

write = root 


=begin comment 

$Id: PodWikiFormatterTiki,v 1.2 2007/09/21 07:51:19 root-
Experimental $ 

Table which describes how to do things along with examples.(shorthand) 


=head3 Tiki formatter 

This formatter is primarily intended as an aid to those migrating from
a L<TikiWiki|> system to B<PodWiki>.
The text in the tiki formatter block is parsed and formatted according
to the L<TikiWiki|> markup rules. This
formatter is used by marking a section as follows: 

=begin text 

=begin tiki 

Text using [|TikiWiki] markup. 



This formatter supports most of the
L<TikiWiki|> markup (at least that existed at
the time of this writing, approximately 29 April 2004), although in
general L<TikiWiki|> plugins are not

=head4 Description of Tiki markup 

This section shows the markup. Note that if the Tiki formatter is not
installed on this B<PodWiki>, no text will be shown. 

=begin tiki 

^ __Emphasis:__ ~np~ '' (two single quotes) for italics, __ for bold,
''__ for both, "===text===" underlines text, "-+text+-" monospace text

__Lists:__ ~np~ At beginning of line, "*" for bullet lists, "#" for
numbered lists; increasing numbers of * or # increase the nesting level
of the list item. ";term:definition" for definiton lists ~/np~ 

__Wiki References:__ ~np~ JoinCapitalizedWords or use ((page)) or
((page|desc)) for wiki references; ))SomeName(( prevents referencing

__External links:__ ~np~ use square brackets for an external link:
[URL] or [URL|link_description] or [URL|description|nocache]. ~/np~ 

__Misc:__ ~np~ "!", "!!", "!!!" make headings, "----" makes a
horizontal rule ~/np~ 

__Title bar:__ ~np~ "-=title=-" creates a title bar. ~/np~ 

__Images:__ ~np~ "{img src=images/ok.png width=200 height=100
align=center link= desc=tick}" displays an image;
height, width, desc, link, and align are optional ~/np~ 

__Tables:__ ~np~ || row1-col1 | row1-col2 | row1-col3 \n row2-col1 |
row2-col2col3 || ~/np~ creates a table ("\n" stands for a new line).
Note that [|TikiWiki] also has a table syntax that
separates rows with ||, but that is not supported by this formatter. 

__Simple box:__ ~np~ "^Box content^" Creates a box with the data ~/np~ 

__Colored text:__ ~np~ "~~#FFEE33:some text~~" Will display using the
indicated HTML color ~/np~ 

__Center:__ ~np~ "::some text::" Will display the text centered ~/np~ 

__Non parsed sections:__ "~np~~~/np~~np~np~ data ~~/np~~np~/np~~/np~"
Prevents parsing data. 

__Preformated sections:__ "~np~~p~/np~~np~p~~/np~ data
~np~~/p~/np~~np~p~~/np~" Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki
processing is done inside these sections. 

__Square Brackets:__ Use ~np~[[foo]~/np~ to show ~np~[foo]~/np~. 

__Block Preformatting:__ Indent text with any number of spaces to turn
it into a monospaced block that still follows other Wiki formatting
instructions. It will be indented with the same number of spaces that
you used. 

__Table of Contents:__ "~np~{maketoc}~/np~" will insert a table of
contents of the page 

__Including another page:__
"~np~{INCLUDE(page=>PageName)}{INCLUDE}~/np~" will insert the
contents of the wiki page named ''PageName''. Note that the POD markup
"P<PageName>" is also accepted (and shorter). The INCLUDE syntax
is primarily for those pages that have been imported from a
))TikiWiki(( web. 



=head4 Examples of Tiki markup output 

This section shows the output of the markup described above. Note that
if the Tiki formatter is not installed on this B<PodWiki>, no
text will be shown. 

=begin tiki 

''italics'', __bold__, ''__bold italic__'', ===underlined text=== ,
-+monospace text+- 

__Lists:__ * * for bullet list ** ** for sub list * second first-level

# # for numbered list ## ## for sub list # second first-level item 


__Wiki References:__ * PodWikiFormatterTiki (this page) *
((PodWikiFormatterTiki)) - specified with parentheses *
((PodWikiFormatterTiki|alternate link text)) * ))PodWikiFormatter(( -
link prevented 

__External links:__ * [] - URL *
[|TikiWiki] - URL with alternate description *
[] - mailto link 

! Heading level 1 !! Heading level 2 !!! Heading level 3 ---
(Horizontal rule above) 

-=Title Bar=- 

__Images:__ {img src=images/ok.png width=200 height=100 align=center
link= desc=tick} 

__Tables:__ || row1-col1 | row1-col2 | row1-col3 

row2-col1 | row2-col2col3 || 

^Boxed content^ 

~~#000099:some colored text~~ 

::some centered text:: 

~np~Non-parsed section, including <b>embedded HTML</b> for
bold text.~/np~ 

~pp~ Pre-formatted section. 

Note that WikiLinks are ignored. ~/pp~ 

[[Text in square brackets (not turned into a link)] 

Monospaced block 

formed by leading 

whitespace on lines 

__Table of Contents:__ {maketoc} 

__Included page:__ {INCLUDE(page=>PodWikiAbout)}{INCLUDE} 

