Page Source for PodWikiEdit

=begin options 

write = root 


=head3 EditThisPage 

This link will be displayed for every page of your PodWiki. If you
click it, you can edit the page instantly. Don't be unpatient, try your
typings by clicking the B<Preview> button. If it looks good,
click B<Save> to save the page. 

If you made a mistake - don't worry. PodWiki comes with a complete
L<version control system|PodWikiRCS> using RCS. 

There are also some pages which are not directly editable, for example
the B<PodWikiHead>, B<PodWikiFoot> or B<PodWikiMenu>
pages. To edit them, click on L<PageIndex|state:pageindex>, and
select the "hidden" page from there. 
