Page Source for PbxResell

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=head2 Diamondcard Hosted PBX - For Resellers 

The Diamondcard Hosted PBX service is now available in your on-line
shop for resale to your customers. 

Login to your account at L<Diamondcard
Login|> and click MANAGE SHOP, then
click MANAGE PRODUCTS. Then change category to "Hosted PBX". Then set
your pricing as you wish. 

Pricing starts at only $12/mth. with promotional discounts of 10% for
six months and 20% for one year. 

General Information at L<Hosted

After you purchase the Hosted PBX we will send you a checklist to help
you formulate your PBX configuration. Send back the completed PBX
checklist by email and we will configure most of it for you. You will
have a login where you can add/edit and manage most of the basic PBX
functions. Advanced features or functions that are available for your
package we will configure for you. 

Our Hosted PBX packages have a certain amount of included minutes.
Included outgoing minutes (Outgoing to land lines) are to USA (mobile
too), Canada (mobile too), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland,
Israel, Singapore (mobile too). Additional details on the packages are
posted on the site in the online shop. 

Our starter plan includes 500 minutes to these destinations. We have
plans for many other countries too. Available in the L<online

Diamondcard users can call us direct at 500 and hear our Diamondcard
Hosted PBX system live. Try it and see how it works. You can click 1
for sales, 2 for technical support (Must know your account ID#) or 3 to
leave us a message.