We now have London 0207 numbers available for purchase. If you've been thinking about getting a virtual London number, now is the time. We have a special promotional price of 5/mth. if you prepay for the year. We have added voice mail to our service and is included with a London number!
You can access voicemail by dialing 80 from your IP phone or by dialing any one of our country access numbers to listen to or configure your voice mail.
To buy a London number with voice mail included login to your Diamondcard administration center and click the "ONLINE SHOPPING" link. Then choose "United Kingdom" for the country and "London" for the city and choose your "duration". Your number will be activated instantly.
More good news! We have expanded the flexibility of routing your personal numbers. Imagine being able to route your personal number in the following way.
Someone calls your London 0207 personal number and the call c an be routed like this:
1. Call rings at your IP phone on your computer or in your office. If no answer within 10 seconds or busy then try:
2. Your mobile phone. If no answer within 5 seconds or busy then try:
3. Your office phone. If no answer or busy then go to:
4. Your voice mail box.
How does that sound? Can you think of another way you would like your calls to be routed? Anything is possible with our personal numbers!
We don't just sell our service, we use it too. To contact us you can call our London number: +44-207-100-5798. First it tries our softphone, then it goes to our mobile, then to our office PBX, and finally to our voice mail box.
Welcome to the new world of telecommunications.