Page Source for Creole

=begin options 

write = root 


=begin comment 

$Id: Creole,v 1.2 2007/09/21 07:54:36 root- Experimental

Table which describes how to do things along with examples.(shorthand) 


=head3 Creole 0.3 formatter 

B<PodWiki> considers a page as B<Creole Markup> if the page
is not POD formatted. This allows you to write natural text. 

WikiShorthand does not support all the features of B<POD> but it
is enough for the most things. 

In addition it is possible to intermix POD and Shorthand markup. You
can write a normal POD page and add a block for the Shorthand or some
other markup. 

For the impatient: visit the L<CreoleSample> page which shows
most of the features. 

I<Description of Creole:> 

=head4 Paragraphs 

Just as in POD, separate paragraphs by empty lines. 

=head4 Headlines 

Just write the headline and write a line of special characters to the
next line. The following headline types are recognized: 


=item <h1>H1 head</h1> 

== H1 head 

=item <h2>H2 head</h2> 

=== H2 head 

=item <h3>H3 head</h3> 

==== H3 head 

=item <h4>H4 head</h4> 

===== H4 head 


=head4 Text formatting 

Only bold and italic text formatting is supported. 


=item B<bold text> 

**bold text** 

=item I<italic text> 

//italic text// 


To achive bold+italic formatted text, combine * and /: 

**//bold italic text//** 

=head4 Verbatim text 

To force text to be printed as is (using PRE HTML tags) unparsed, use
surround it with 3 {{{ and }}}. 


if(blah) { 




=head4 Graphics 

To include a graphic (you have to L<upload|PodWikiUpload> it
before you can do this): 



=head4 Wiki links 

Write the PodWiki page name between double square brackets: 


will generate: 


If the page does not exist, a link will be created which points to the
page editor(creates a new page). 

=head4 External links 

Just write the URL, PodWiki will generate a link to the URL. 

will generate: 


=head4 Include pages 

This is not supported with L<Creole>, use L<PerlPod> for

=head4 Lists 

You can create single-level lists. Just prepend each list item with a
"* ". E.g.: 

* this is one item 

* this is the other item 

will generate: 


=item * 

this is one item 

=item * 

this is the other item 


=head4 Variables 

Variables are fully supported. See L<here|PodWikiVariables> for

=head4 Tables 

All cells are separated by single pipes. The ending pipe is optional.
You can embed links, bold, italics, and monospace in table cells. 

|Heading Col 1 |Heading Col 2 | 

|Cell 1.1 |Cell 1.2 | 

|Cell 2.1 |Cell 2.2 | 


=begin html 

<table> <tr> <td>Heading Col 1</td>
<td>Heading Col 2</td> </tr> <tr>
<td>Cell 1.1</td> <td>Cell 1.2</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Cell 2.1</td> <td>Cell 2.2</td>
</tr> </table> 

