Call-back Calling Cards Platform

This new system allows calling card resellers to sell cards in markets where they do not have a local or toll free access number or its cost prohibitive to use one.

The system supports real time activation and authentication of the prepaid calling card to a mobile or land line phone by entering the pin number during the initial callback. The system can be configured to call back everyone to a land or mobile phone in a specific country. This streamlines initial calling card activations. This means the prepaid cards can be sold without any manual labor setup to tie the prepaid card to a specific mobile or land line phone.

This system works exceptionally well when callbacks are made to countries that have low termination costs. For example, USA, Thailand, China, etc. In other countries where there is a much higher cost for call termination to mobile networks it's not so good. Some examples of these high cost countries are mobile networks in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Africa, etc.

The system can work in any country, but there will be a higher cost and hence a higher per minute pricing to your customers when running the service in higher cost countries.

For more information contact us at one of the following numbers:

 +1-877-402-VOIP (+1-877-402-8647) - USA toll free
 +1-303-997-0900 - Colorado, USA
 +1-647-722-2117 - Toronto, Canada
 +33-176-641-289 - Paris, France
 +44-207-100-5767 - London, United Kingdom 

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